Forms are always accepted, and support is awarded first-come, first-served each month.

This program is intended to make membership available to people who face genuine financial hardship. It is not intended for people who would simply like to save some money.

Funds are limited, and abusing this program means it will not be available for someone else who may truly need support.


If 3 or more of the following describe you, then you do not qualify for our financial support program.

  • I am able to meet my basic needs (food, housing, transportation).

  • Although it might be tight, I am able to spend some of my income on eating out, travel, entertainment, and fitness.

  • I am able to pay rent, or I own my home or property.

  • I am employed.

  • I have access to family money, savings, or resources in times of need.

  • I have attended or currently attend higher education.


If 3 or more of the following are true, you should request financial support.

  • I would like to be active but spending money on fitness is not an option because it would produce genuine financial hardship.

  • I am unable to go to the movies or eat out with friends because of the constraints of my income.

  • I am sometimes unable to meet my most basic needs.

  • I am accruing credit card debt in order to survive.

  • I qualify for government assistance.

  • I do not have access to financial support from other resources, such as a partner’s income, family, or investments.

  • I have a disability that has produced genuine financial hardship.

  • I am on food stamps.

  • I am on Medicaid.

Current monthly membership price: $75/month

To apply for a membership, youth program, workshop, clinic, or non-profit/mission-based group event, CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW THEN PROCEED THE PROCESS. For more information, please email