October 5th, 2024

Gym opens: 9AM

Session 1: 9AM - 12PM

  • Open, Intermdiate, Recreational Categories

  • ALL Open competitors MUST climb in Session 1

Session 2: 1PM - 4PM

  • Advanced, Intermediate, Recreational Categories

  • ALL Advanced competitors MUST climb in Session 2

Open Category Finals: 6:30PM

  • 6:30PM - Doors Re-open (Get a drink and find your spot!)

  • 6:45PM - FINALS BEGIN!!!

Winners Ceremony: 8:45PM - 9PM

  • 8:45PM - Raffle Drawings Begin

  • 9:00PM - Announcement of Winners (All Categories)

Final Raffle Drawings & General Festivities: 9PM-10:30PM

Gym Closes: 11PM

Gym reopens for members at midnight


The categories that competitors can compete in are:

  • Recreational (V0-V3)

  • Intermediate (V4-V6)

  • Advanced (V6-V8)

  • Open (Suggested V8+)


Climbers are only eligible for onsight finals if they register as “Open” competitors 

Approximately 60 Boulder problems, numbered in order of difficulty and point value

Climbers may try any boulder problem they want, as many times as they want 

Competitors have 3 hours to finish the 5 hardest boulders they can climb

  • Only the top 5 boulders will be counted toward the competitor’s score total

In order for a top to count, climbers must have 2 witness initials on the scorecard

Climbers must attempt the problem from the ‘start’ for each attempt, they cannot work moves in isolation

  • Please be courteous to those around you! If you fall, please allow someone else to attempt the boulder before trying again

A climb is finished when competitors show control with two hands on the marked finished hold(s)

Every attempt (4 points of contact off the ground)  is counted on the scorecard:

  • If a climber flashes the problem, it counts as 1 attempt

  • False starts (ie. flying start)  also count as an attempt

  • Attempts will be used in the event of a tie

Ranking is determined by the highest score

  • We reserve the right to bump competitors out of their categories based on their scores

Any errors or improperly marked scorecards will result in disqualification


The top 6 competitors with the highest scores who competed in the open category will compete in onsight finals

4 boulders per category (Male/Non-Binary) & Female/Non-Binary)

Competitors will have 4 minutes to complete their boulder problem


  • Start: 4 points of contact

  • Zone: Must show control with progressive movement

  • Top: Must show control with both hands

  • Attempt: when all 4 points leave the ground

Ranking is based on the number of tops, zone, and attempts


  • Online registration only until the day of competition (or until capacity is reached for each session). $60 for Members, $70 for Non-Members. Sign up here!

  • Must be at least 13 years old

  • Please check out the rules to help you gauge which category is right for you. Anyone hoping to compete in the finals round should register for the Open Category.

  • You may only adjust your category prior to the event. If you would like to do so, please email before the day of the event. Anything after October 4th will not be accepted.

  • If you can not make the event and would like a refund, please contact no later than one week prior to the event. Refunds will not be issued after September 28th.

  • Please look at the schedule of events. Climbing will be limited the week prior. Some sections of the gym will remain open, such as the roof, fitness area, great table, upstairs classes, and Annex!

  • No. You may only be in the gym for your session so we can avoid overcrowding and give everyone an equal opportunity to climb. Everyone is welcome back for the finals round and after party!

  • Everyone is welcome to attend. Come support the climbers and party with us for free beginning at 6:30pm on 10/5. You do not need to be a member!

  • We will email all winners of their category shortly after the round is over to notify them if they made finals or should come back to celebrate and receive their prize! Scores will be posted in the gym for the next week after the competition is over.

  • Yep! If after 3 attempts to call the number go unanswered we will move on to another drawing.

  • TBD! We will have prizes from Evolv, Friction Labs, AKASO Sports Action Cameras, Tension, and plenty more but what each specific category and place get is still being determined. Prizes will not be publicly known before the awards ceremony.