VITAL Valentine’s
Saturday, February 11th
11am - 7pm
Flash Bash
COMP: 2-5pm
Join us for a Valentine’s Day flash comp! Teams of two are invited to try their hands at 10 problems to gain points and win prizes.
Need a comp partner? Arrive at 1:15pm to speed date, where you’ll have one minute per person to get to know the other candidates!
Comp Rules
- Free to compete with membership or single visit pass
- 10 problems will be set
- Each problem can only be touched by one person per team
- Both teammates must attempt 5 problems each
Each problem can only be attempted once, i.e. you only get points for that problem if you flash it
- Each teammate gets ONE mulligan: a second attempt to use on one problem of their choice
- Each problem will correspond to a point value
- Points for all completed problems will be tallied per team
Winners will be selected via a categorized lottery system:
Categories (recreational, intermediate, advanced) will be determined on the backend (e.g. recreational: lowest third of potential points, intermediate: middle third, advanced: upper third).
Each problem sent gets the team one entry into the prize lottery
Additional entries are given for participation in speed dating
We will randomly select a winner from each category
- Three prize pairs will be awarded: one to the winning recreational team, one to the winning intermediate team, and one to the winning advanced team.
Gifts for your valentine Marketplace
11am - 6pm
Vendors will be set up at tables throughout the gym so you can stock up on gifts for your valentine (whether that be you, a friend, a partner, or someone else)!
Lost & Found Sale
Come fall in love with unclaimed lost and found items at our quarterly sale! Proceeds will go to a local organization.
Think something of yours is in the mix? If you don’t reclaim it by February 9th, you can consider it an official breakup.
Aerial Show
Come watch some of your favorite aerial instructors inspire and excite in their Valentine’s Day performance! Free with gym entry.